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Development system requirements

  • Any modern x86_64 multi-core CPU that supports virtualization.
  • 16GB of RAM (of which around 7.5GB should be devoted to Docker VM on macOS and Windows).
  • 3GB storage for Minds repositories and packages, and at least 20GB for Docker VM/Images.
  • Internet connectivity (only needed for downloading and provisioning the stack).

Development installation

Linux users: To get Elasticsearch 6 to run, you must make a settings change on the host machine:

  • Run sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  • To make it permanent, modify the variable in /etc/sysctl.conf

Software requirements

  • Git
  • Docker 18 or higher, with docker-compose
  • Node.js 10.x or higher, with npm and npx
  • Port 8080 open
  • Port 9200 internally visible.

Extra requirements for Windows

  • Windows 10 Pro with Hyper-V enabled (for Docker)
  • PowerShell

Before installing

Windows line endings

Git on Windows defaults core.autocrlf setting to true, which causes installation, provisioning and entry-point scripts to become corrupted with Windows-style line endings.

Before installing Minds, make sure you change it to input either globally BEFORE downloading the repositories (1); or by setting it when cloning (2).

(1): git config --global core.autocrlf input

(2): git clone [repo] --config core.autocrlf=input

If you already downloaded Minds repositories, you'll have to either download it again, or do a hard reset in all the repositories, as seen on

You will get a warning every time your run the local stack if any of the repositories has the wrong core.autocrlf value.

Run-from-anywhere aliases

This is an optional step, but all examples in this document will be using the alias.


Add to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc) file

export MINDSROOT=/path/to/minds

alias minds=$MINDSROOT/local/local
alias minds-front-build=$MINDSROOT/local/front-build
alias minds-ssr-build=$MINDSROOT/local/ssr-build
alias minds-ssr-serve=$MINDSROOT/local/ssr-serve

After saving the profile script, restart your terminal windows.


Open PowerShell and run

echo $profile

That command will output the location to your profile script. Edit it and add

$env:MINDSROOT = 'X:\Path\To\minds'

Set-Alias -Name minds -Value $env:MINDSROOT\local\local.ps1
Set-Alias -Name minds-front-build -Value $env:MINDSROOT\local\front-build.ps1
Set-Alias -Name minds-ssr-build -Value $env:MINDSROOT\local\ssr-build.ps1
Set-Alias -Name minds-ssr-serve -Value $env:MINDSROOT\local\ssr-serve.ps1

After saving the profile script, restart your terminal windows.

Preparing your OS


  • Nothing to do.


  • Setup Docker VM to have at least 7.5GB and it uses at least 2 CPUs.


Installing Minds

First, clone the main repository, and its submodules using one of the below commands.

### SSH Clone
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules [email protected]:minds/minds.git

### HTTP Clone
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules


This operation will wipe out all your current data in the Minds containers.

Ensure you run docker-compose down to dispose old Docker containers before updating master or checking out this branch.

Additionally, ensure that you are not running with sudo on unix based systems.


minds install

You can alternatively choose to install with the no-front option, which means that you will have to install and run the front-end manually - this may be preferred for development purposes.

# Install
minds install --no-front

# nav into front directory and install.
cd front
npm i

# Manually serve the project
NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 ENGINE_PORT=8080 npm run serve:dev -- --live-reload=false

Optionally, to rebuild scss on change, in another shell, you can run:

npx sane "npm run preserve:dev" src --changes-only --glob="**/*.scss"


Random errors when building or starting the Docker containers

Git might corrupted Docker container scripts line endings. Read this.

There are random ENOENT or EPERM errors when cleaning up or building the frontend app during install on Windows

Close any application that might be actively watching the folder, such as VSCode, TortoiseGit, etc. If it still fails, reboot your computer to release any rogue lock.

Operation timed out while creating indices, waiting for ElasticSearch to come online in Windows

Try disabling "Use the WSL 2 based engine" option in Docker Desktop.


Starting the containers


minds up

Stopping the containers


minds down

Restarting the containers


minds restart

Rebuilding the containers

After any infrastructure changes, run

minds rebuild

Running the frontend stack




SSR Server

To run SSR you will need to have the client-side built already. You can build everything for full usage locally by using:


Then, to run with SSR, open two consoles and run in the first one:


And in the second:


The last one might show an error first, but it's normal as your computer might be re-building the server at the time your started it.

To access SSR you need to access the site through the nginx reverse proxy on port 8080 - NOT port 4200.


Running test suite


minds phpspec

Running a directory


minds phpspec run --format=pretty --no-code-generation Spec/.../

Running a single file


minds phpspec run --format=pretty --no-code-generation Spec/.../.../MyFileSpec.php

Creating a new spec



minds phpspec describe Minds\\...\\...\\MyClass



minds phpspec describe Minds\...\...\MyClass

A test admin user will be created by default (username: minds / password: Pa\$\$w0rd)

Production system requirements

At this time it is not advisable to run Minds in production, however it is possible so long as you are aware of the risks.

  • 3 Cassandra Nodes (Min 30gb RAM, 1TB SSD, 8 CPU)
  • 1 ElasticSearch Node (Min 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD, 8 CPU) #2 nodes are recommended for failover
  • 1 Docker Machine (Min 60gb RAM, 50GB SSD, 32 CPU)

Working in the development environment

Configure your settings in settings.php.

Make your test user an admin

Sometimes you need to do things as an admin user. To do this, make sure you are in development mode in settings.php:

$CONFIG->set('development_mode', true);

And set your test user entity's isAdmin flag to true.