📄️ A/B Testing
Minds uses Growthbook to conduct A/B testing experiments.
📄️ Backend modules
To illustrate how modules work, we're going to create a VideoChat module that makes use of dependency injection providers.
📄️ Backend tests
This guide covers how to create and run phpspec spec tests in the backend.
📄️ Block
This guide covers how the Block system works.
📄️ Blockchain
📄️ DID
This is a work in progress. See https://gitlab.com/groups/minds/-/epics/211 for more information about what we are working on.
📄️ Sending emails
This guide covers how to dynamically send emails in the Minds backend.
📄️ Event streams
📄️ Feature flags
Feature flags allow for features to be turned on and off with the flick of a switch. This allows for more precise control over releases and deprecations. Feature flags can also target specific user IDs, browsers, and other categories such that features can be rolled out to specific subsets of a user-base only.
📄️ Feed algorithms
Every 5 minutes, Minds will trigger a job that gathers all the entities (activities, images, videos and blogs) that received any kind of vote in that interval. Then, it will update the total amount of votes on the ElasticSearch documents, which are used to display all the feeds and search results, for these entities.
📄️ Frontend tests
This guide covers how to create and run tests for the frontend. Minds uses Cypress for E2E testing and Jasmine / Karma for unit tests.
📄️ Infinite scroll
The following walk-through covers how to limit the amount of list items returned in a repository response, set paging tokens on Cassandra responses, and connect the requests and responses with the frontend with the help of the infinite-scroll component.
📄️ Mobile git workflow and CI
This guide covers our branching model and the CI flow integrated with it.
📄️ Mobile internationalization
The mobile app supports i18n, this guide covers how to work with it.
📄️ Mobile styles and themes
For styling and theme support we use the ThemedStyles service. This service provides some frequently used styles, for common layouts, colors, font size, and spacing (padding and margin).
📄️ Notifications
Web Push
📄️ Postman collection
Getting set up
📄️ Stripe Testing
📄️ Vitess Schema Changes
Add or Remove Columns