Frontend tests
This guide covers how to create and run tests for the frontend. Minds uses Cypress for E2E testing and Jasmine / Karma for unit tests.
To install Cypress for E2E testing, clone our cypress tests repository.
// ssh
git clone [email protected]:minds/cypress-tests.git
// or http
git clone
From there, install the dependencies with npm.
npm install
Create a new test
If you are making a single new test file, make a file new-feature.spec.js
in the integration
directory. If you are making multiple related tests, put them in an appropriately named sub-directory.
To scaffold your test, you can copy an existing files body and strip out the innards, or copy the below boilerplate and change the context identifier.
context('New Feature', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// logic to run before each test.
before(() => {
// logic to run before all tests.
afterEach(() => {
// logic to run after each test - usually reseting state.
after(() => {
// logic to run after all tests - usually cleanup.
it('should have a descriptive test name', () => {
// individual test.
Running Cypress
To run Cypress Tests, you can either manually fill out the cypress command with the environmental variables, or use our script, that can be used like so:
// Assuming default user minds_cypress_tests exists and the stack is running on port 80.
./ -p [Password]
// Provide the host
./ -h http://localhost:8080 -p [Password]
// Provide your own username and password.
// Make sure to escape any special characters in the password.
./ -u [Username] -p [Password]
// Verbose output
./ -v true
// For additional information and parameters.
./ --help
To run tests that require captcha completion, you must also pass in the shared_key parameter - this key must match the one found in your settings.php
// settings.php
$CONFIG->set('captcha', [
'jwt_secret' => 'xyz',
'bypass_key' => 'xyz',
./ -u [Username] -p [Password] -sk xyz
New tests & changes must be tested against production and sandbox; thankfully it is easy to specify different hosts like so:
./ -h http://localhost:8080 -p [Password]
./ -h -p [Password]
./ -h -p [Password]
From there, you can hit Run All, and watch Cypress run against your host.
Pushing new tests to sandbox domains
As our cypress tests are in a separate repository to front-end, you will need to make a separate merge request for any changes to tests. The branch name for this merge request MUST MATCH the branch name for your front-end. This is because when running our front-end CI jobs, we check whether our E2E repo has a matching branch - if it does, we run those tests instead of the tests on master.
Cypress best practices
Cypress allows you freedom to do things in many ways, but it is important to understand the best practices, or your tests will likely be brittle. We strongly recommend reading Cypress' Best Practices, which is a fantastic resource.
Select with data attributes, not classes
This is Cypress' best practice for finding testable attributes in the DOM, since using HTML selectors to find positions in the DOM is both brittle and flakey. So wherever you see data-minds
, you'll know it's e2e related.
For example, to add data attributes to our minds-activity
[]="'activityGuid--' + activity.guid"
This can then be called like so:
const activity = '[data-minds=activityGuid--998750271110176768]';
Don't use timeouts for time intervals
Setting a cy.wait(1000)
may seem like the quickest way to make a test pass, but if the server has a hiccup, your test will flake. Best practice is to await requests like below.
Using intervals should be reserved for special circumstances, such as waiting for an animation to complete.
cy.route('POST', '**/api/v1/blog/new').as('postBlog');
.wait('@postBlog').then(xhr => {
Try to avoid 'nth-child' selections
It can be tempting to reach for the nth-child selectors when something is not easily identifiable by its CSS class. This however should be avoided where possible, as it results in brittle tests.
Most of the time, the best option is going to be to use a data-attribute. If its possible, it's likely going to be the best and most robust way.
Other times the element you want is in a dynamic list, for example, you may want to grab a specific post from the Newsfeed. To get it, we can instead use:
const postText = 'Post text!';
To grab the posts text. If we need to traverse the DOM from the element you have grabbed (such as if we want to hit the like button), we can chain using parentsUntil() and children().
const postText = 'Post text!';
.contains('Like Button')
Test Stretching & Flake Prevention
Before commiting tests, ideally you should stretch your tests to make sure that they are durable enough to withstand the pipelines. To save you from having to manually re-run a test 100 times to do this, you can simply use:
Cypress._.times(100, (i) => {
it('should do foo', () => {
it('should do bar', () => {
Running Jasmine/Karma Tests
To run Jasmine/Karma tests:
ng test
If ChromeHeadless is installed on your system, you can run the tests quicker, by running:
ng test --browsers ChromeHeadless
Running Playwright Tests on BrowserStack
All information on: